Abandoned dog rescued by residents, Dallas Animal Services


In a heartbreaking incident in Dallas, a distressed German shepherd was seen running after its owner’s car after being heartlessly dumped by the side of the road. A witness captured the devastating moment when an unidentified man driving a white Chevrolet SUV pulled over, opened the back hatch, and callously pushed the dog out of the vehicle. As the man hastily drove away, the loyal pup attempted to chase after its owner, but to no avail.The entire heart-wrenching episode was recorded by cameras placed by the Dowdy Ferry Animal Commission on the road. These strategically positioned cameras aimed to capture such situations, and now Dallas Police are actively searching for the dog’s owner.

Jeremy Boss, a representative from a local animal organization, expressed his dismay over such callous acts, stating, “It makes me sick to my stomach when I see people that will take the time to take their dog, drive out here, and throw it out like trash like Dowdy Ferry is known for.”

The incident occurred near the intersection of Dowdy Ferry Road and Teagarden Road.. Hidden cameras along this stretch, notorious for similar occurrences, recorded the man’s heartless act as he abandoned the dog and fled. A person across the road tried to intervene, yelling in an attempt to stop him, but the man paid no heed and swiftly drove away.

The poor pup appeared terrified as it followed the man, barking in a desperate attempt to regain its owner’s attention. The dog chased after the vehicle down the street, narrowly avoiding a collision with another vehicle. Jeremy Boss emphasized that the act was intentional, with the man showing no remorse for abandoning the helpless animal.

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